Energy Solutions That Make Sense
Efficient, reliable, sustainable, cost-effective. When it comes to making decisions regarding the energy systems in the buildings we design, these four factors are the driving force behind our Energy Services team.
With in-depth knowledge and a passion for what they do, the team works with clients to analyze energy-use scenarios and develop strategies to reduce consumption and costs while increasing the reliability and efficiency of building energy systems.
Bringing it Full Circle
Spanning visitor centers, office buildings, grocery stores, hospitals, schools, data centers, and more, this team understands the intricacies and demands of each type of facility and how to help our clients make the best choices for their unique projects.
With an eye toward long-term performance, we develop energy-use strategies to incorporate into projects from the conceptual design phase all the way through implementation and operation. Our menu of energy services includes:
- Advanced building energy modeling
- Energy use benchmarking and Energy Star certification
- Utility incentive coordination and energy audits
- Energy measurement and verification
- Building performance analysis
- Distributed energy systems feasibility and design
- Combined heat and power
- Commissioning
Service Highlight: Energy Modeling
Building energy modeling is an important tool in helping us, and our clients, make the best design decisions. ​With the team’s custom-built scripts, we combine factors such as building orientation, building usage, weather patterns, construction materials, HVAC systems, and building-use predictions, among many others. Then we analyze the data and make adjustments to find the right balance between cost and energy-use options for each project.​​
In addition to aiding in design exploration and sys​tem selection, energy modeling is used to document performance, obtain green building certifications, and inform energy audits and re-commissioning work. ​
Service Highlight: Microgrids
Independent. Resilient. Alternative. Microgrids connect with the larger utility grid system, but can also disconnect and function autonomously as needed. They come in many shapes and sizes and utilize a variety of resources, from micro-hydro and biomass systems, to combined heat and power, solar photovoltaic, and battery energy storage systems. With 80+ years designing energy-efficient electrical systems and buildings, we have you covered. It’s good to have a back-up plan.
Learn more about microgrids with Director of Electrical Engineering Alan Bronec.
Service Highlight: Combined Heat and Power
One of the energy efficient technologies our team employs — for new buildings as well as renovations and remodels — is combined heat and power (CHP). CHP systems use the thermal energy created during electricity generation to supply heat and hot water throughout a building or a collection of buildings.
In addition to being energy efficient, CHP systems are cost effective, with a return on investment in the first 5-10 years; they have environmental benefits due to a reduction in greenhouse gases; and are resilient, providing an off-grid solution when needed.
Where do these systems work best? Supermarkets, hospitals, office buildings, college campuses, and apartment buildings to name a few. Our team can help with feasibility analysis, identify alternatives to owning the equipment, and design the integration into the facility.
Service Highlight: Computational Fluid Dynamics
Cushing Terrell is a licensed user of TileFlow ©, a powerful three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling tool used to simulate the cooling performance of HVAC systems and infrastructure in data centers. The simulations combine factors such as size, equipment, and layout of a data center, which help us determine the best solutions for optimum airflow in new centers as well as troubleshoot airflow and cooling issues in existing centers.
Through CFD modeling, we can accurately predict cooling energy use and determine the equipment design and capacity sizing. With the software’s built in database, we can produce models using industry standard equipment or fully customize the equipment and room conditions.