Town of Basalt Master Plan Update
Cushing Terrell and Connect One completed a master plan that will serve as a framework and guide for accomplishing community aspirations and intentions. It states goals and objectives, and recommends courses of action for future growth and development of land, public facilities and services, and environmental protection.
Advertising methods included social media, mass media, and individualized methods such as door hangers and postcards in businesses. Multiple community engagement events ranging from traditional to progressive included open houses, ride-alongs, online surveys, issue-based workshops, neighborhood meetings (which occurred in each major neighborhood in town), Latinx community picnic, and high school work session. These events were highly successful in targeting previously unheard and under-served populations in town. Input methods included live polling, surveys, dot-voting, map (geo-located) comments, staff notes, storytelling cards, sticky note comments, and even comments from community kids.
This plan will provide the policy framework for regulatory tools like zoning, subdivision regulations, annexations, and other policies. The plan will promote the community’s vision, goals, objectives, and policies; establish a process for orderly growth and development; address both current and long-term needs; and provide a balance between the natural and built environments.
Basalt, CO
Landscape Architecture