Intern Intel: Wrapping Up
For my final design charrette I wanted to focus on presenting my project’s process. So, I talked a lot about what I learned at each step along the way which helped me reflect on the stages I went through. After I presented, we all sat and discussed different colleges and programs. I received a ton of good advice and my biggest takeaway is to follow my intuition. Intuition brought me to CTA and I know that it will take me down the right path, especially going through college.
My project did not turn out the way I had anticipated in the beginning, and I know moving forward to not go into a project with a solution already in mind. I realize I placed constraints on myself based on what I thought could or couldn’t be done and I’m glad the design charrettes helped me break through those. I learned that I like making models and I am excited to make more, I became more comfortable presenting problems in the charrettes, and I learned that I am more interested in design than I had previously thought. I discovered that I want to understand how people are affected by their surroundings and I can’t wait to learn more about the background and history of design. I think that when I was younger I saw architecture on a surface level and I was intrigued by more of the aesthetics of buildings. Now as my interests and knowledge develop, I am more and more fascinated by all facets of architecture.
I am so thankful to Josh Shiverick for all the time he put into my experience this summer. He taught me a lot and was supportive of my ideas and process. I just met with a faculty member from my school today and we talked about how we are going to implement my project and what that will look like. I’m excited for it to become a reality and to have a positive impact on students’ learning environment. My next few years are some of the most critical ones in my life and I have so much to be grateful for, especially this opportunity which has been so enriching.
“This was a great experience for everyone involved! Not only did we have the opportunity to do some teaching but we learned some things from Ari along the way as well. It was wonderful to witness the early days of one of tomorrow’s architects.”